This privacy policy covers how CoLab X Limited (CoLab, we, us or our), acting as a controller, collects and uses your personal data via the/our Website).


We do not collect personal data of Site visitors save for in for the following circumstances:

  • if you contact us with a query, we will collect the information that you provide;

  • if you make an application to work at CoLab; and

  • as further detailed in the section below on ‘cookies’.

In each case (except as set out in the section below on ‘cookies’), the personal data we process will be limited to that which you provide to us and our lawful basis for processing this personal data will be that it is in accordance with our legitimate interests.


You may from time to time wish us to provide you with information about our Website or any other service or products including those of third parties which we think may be of interest to you. We will only send you information about:

  • our services; or

  • services offered jointly with or on behalf of other organisations, if you have asked us to provide you with such information.

  • We will only ever send you promotional information in accordance with your preferences.

Alternatively, you may ask us to provide you with information about our services and/or services offered jointly with or on behalf of other organisations by sending us an e-mail at If you stop using the Website or your permission to use the Website is terminated, we may continue to use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time) and as permitted by law. However, if you wish us to stop e-mailing you with information in connection with the Website, please send your request in accordance with the “Your rights in relation to your information” section below.

If you have any concerns about the use of your personal information by us please contact us in writing at


We will only collect, use and share your personal information where we are satisfied that we have an appropriate legal basis to do this. This may be because:

  • our use of your personal information is in our legitimate interest as a commercial organisation (for example, where we undertaken market research or retain information as a reference tool or general resource) – in these cases we will look after your information at all times in a way that is proportionate and respects your privacy rights and you have a right to object to processing as explained in the “Your rights in relation to your information” section below;

  • you have provided your consent to us using your personal information (for example, in relation to any electronic direct marketing communications we send to you);

  • our use of your personal information is necessary to perform a contract or take steps to enter into a contract with you (for example, to facilitate your entry into the competitions that you enter); and/or

  • our use of your personal information is necessary to comply with a relevant legal or regulatory obligation that we have (for example, where we are required to make filings with HMRC or other government agencies, or to comply with requests or law enforcement or other regulatory bodies).


The Internet is not a secure medium. However, we have put in place various security procedures as set out in this Privacy Policy. Please be aware that communications over the Internet, such as emails/webmails are not secure unless they have been encrypted. We cannot accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control. We adopt appropriate policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control (having regard to the type and amount of that data) from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorised modification, unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All of our employees and data processors that have access to, and are associated with, the processing of your personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors’ information. We ensure that your information will not be disclosed to government institutions or authorities except if required by law or when requested by regulatory bodies or law enforcement organisations.

We will store your personal information for as long as is reasonably necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, as explained in this Privacy Policy. In some circumstances we may store your personal information for longer periods of time, for instance where we are required to do so in accordance with legal, regulatory, tax, accounting requirements.

In specific circumstances we may store your personal information for longer periods of time so that we have an accurate record of your dealings with us in the event of any complaints or challenges, or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation relating to your personal information or dealings.


We may share your personal data with the following third parties:

  • Service providers (processors): who will only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions and this Privacy Policy.

  • IT providers and developers to help us:

    • run our website;

    • manage our cookies;

    • understand the analytics of those visiting our website; and

    • carry out any marketing and/or advertising on our website. 

  • Professional advisors so that we can obtain advice.

  • Investors and acquirers in the event of a proposed sale, merger or similar corporate activity.

  • Law enforcement organisations where we deem it necessary.


We retain information for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we obtained the information and consistent with all applicable data protection laws. There may be circumstances where we are required to hold information longer – for example where you have requested this following an application or where the information relates to actual or anticipated legal proceedings.  


If we transfer your personal data outside of the UK, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it – specifically we will only transfer your personal data to countries which have an adequacy decision from the UK’s data protection regulator (such as the EU territories) or, if this is not applicable, we will put in place appropriate contractual clauses to ensure your personal data is processed securely and in accordance with your rights.


We are not responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other websites even if you accessed the third party website using links from our Website. We recommend that you check the policy of each website you visit and contact the owner or operator of such website if you have concerns or questions.


This Cookie Policy (“Policy”) is intended to inform you how our website uses a technology called “cookies” and web server logs. This Policy is intended to assist you in making informed decisions when using our Website. Please take a minute to read and understand the Policy. This Policy should also be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy and our General Terms.


Once you have given us your agreement to the use of cookies, we shall store a cookie on your computer or device to remember this for the next time. If you wish to withdraw your consent to the use of functional cookies you will have to block these cookies separately through your internet browser settings for each browser you use. You can also use your browser settings to remove any cookies that we have already set on your device. Please be aware that some of our services will not function if your browser does not accept functional cookies. However, you can allow cookies from specific websites by making them “trusted websites” in your internet browser at a later date.

The following links may assist you in managing your cookies settings, or you can use the ‘Help’ option in your internet browser for more details:

  • Internet Explorer:

  • Mozilla Firefox:

  • Google Chrome:

  • Safari:

  • Opera:

  • Adobe (flash cookies):

The following link contains further information about cookies:


We use several different types of cookies. In particular, we use: necessary cookies which enable certain fundamental website features; functionality cookies which allow us to remember choices you make (e.g. your cookie preference); and performance cookies which monitor usage of our Website. Some of these are session cookies which are temporary and allow us to link your actions during a single visit to our site, and which are erased when you close your browser. Others are persistent cookies which remain on your device for the period of time specified in the cookie. The following is a more detailed explanation of the types of cookies we use, categorised by the purpose of the cookies:

  • Necessary Cookies: Necessary cookies are essential and help you navigate the Website. These cookies are anonymous, and do not collect or store any personally identifying information about you. Without these cookies, we may not be able to provide the services you have asked for. For example, these cookies make sure that you only have to verify your age by responding to the age-gate once on your first visit, rather than every time you visit the Website. These cookies also help to support website security and basic functionality and are necessary for the proper operation of our Website, so if you block these cookies we can’t guarantee your use or the security of our Website during your visit.

  • Functionality Cookies: Functionality cookies are used to provide you the best user experience. They also allow the website to remember choices made (such as language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features.

  • Performance Cookies: Performance cookies help us to understand the behaviour of our visitors and their usage of the Website in an aggregated manner. This allows us to continuously improve the Website to provide the best user experience. These cookies are also used to help us understand how effective our advertising is; for instance these cookies tell us which pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from web pages. All information these cookies collect is aggregated, to assist us to improve how a website works. Some of these cookies may managed by third parties (such as Google and Facebook). We have no control over the dissemination of third party cookies and you should check the relevant third party’s website for more information.


Our site uses the following cookies (purpose, type, and duration):

  • _dd_cookie_test: Tests if cookies are supported. Type: Cookie. Duration: Expires instantly

  • _dd_s: Tracks browser errors. Type: Cookie. Duration: Four hours

  • _dd_site_test: Tests if cookies are supported. Type: Cookie. Duration: Expires instantly

  • Crumb: Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Type: Cookie. Duration: Session

  • Locked: Prevents the password-protected screen from displaying if a visitor enters the correct site-wide password. Type: Cookie. Duration: Session

  • RecentRedirect: Prevents redirect loops if a site has custom URL redirects. Redirect loops are bad for SEO. Type: Cookie. Duration: 30 minutes

  • remember_client: Remembers Scheduling client’s login details if they have an account. Type: Cookie. Duration: 365 days

  • siteUserCrumb: Prevents cross-site request forgery (CSRF) for logged in site users. Type: Cookie. Duration: Three years

  • SiteUserInfo: Identifies a visitor who logs into a customer account. Type: Cookie. Duration: Three years

  • SiteUserSecureAuthToken: Authenticates a visitor who logs into a customer account. Type: Cookie. Duration: Three years

  • squarespace-announcement-bar: Prevents the announcement bar from displaying if a visitor dismisses it. Type: localstorage. Duration: Persistent

  • squarespace-popup-overlay: Prevents the promotional pop-up from displaying if a visitor dismisses it. Type: localstorage. Duration: Persistent

  • squarespace-video-player-options: Remembers video player selected preferences ( volume, playback speed, and quality) for videos uploaded directly to Squarespace. Type: localstorage. Duration: Persistent

  • ss_cookieAllowed: Remembers if a visitor agreed to placing analytics cookies on their browser if a site is restricting the placement of cookies. Type: Cookie. Duration: 30 days

  • ss_sd: Ensures that visitors on the Squarespace 5 platform remain authenticated during their sessions. Type: Cookie. Duration: Session

  • Test: Investigates if the browser supports cookies and prevents errors. Type: Cookie. Duration: Session

  • TZ: Enables a Scheduling client’s appointments to display correctly based on their time zone preferences. Type: localstorage. Duration: Persistent.

We use the following analytics and performance cookies to collect information:

  • ss_cid: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site. Duration: Two years

  • ss_cpvisit: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site. Duration: Two years

  • ss_cvisit: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site. Duration: 30 minutes

  • ss_cvr: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site. Duration: Two years

  • ss_cvt: Identifies unique visitors and tracks a visitor’s sessions on a site. Duration: 30 minutes


For further information from us on data protection and privacy or any requests concerning your personal information please write to us by email at